Lexis Rex

Kata Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut Hari Ini



Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Indonesia
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Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Inggris
     1. n. The art or sport of duelling with swords, especially with the 17th- to 18th-century European dueling swords and the practice weapons descended from them (sport fencing)
     2. n. Material used to make fences, fences used as barriers or an enclosure.
           Fencing was erected around the field to keep the horses in.

Contoh Kalimat-kalimat

She had her English lesson, went to fencing, and did her homework.
The wood, traditionally used for cricket bats, baskets and fencing, has emerged in Scandinavia as a serious source of energy in a world seeking to combat climate change.
The long, elegant drive passes two old military checkpoints, before curving into a compound surrounded by high wire fencing and sandy berms.

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